Friday, October 14, 2011


Over the past few weeks, I have been in a constant state of gratitude. I have taken the time to recognize the grace of God over my life and it has given me another level of faith and confidence.  What has taken place is something that can be seen on the outside in the doors that God has opened, but I know that the most significant change has occured within.  I, like many of you, have faced obstacles in my life that have sometimes made it hard to dream beyond what I could see.  Although its a great place to start, I have learned that it takes more than the profession of faith to really believe that all things are possible. To believe is to know without a doubt that what you profess is a living word that will come to past.  This realization has become the significant change within, "To Believe".
I had the awesome opportunity to share my heart with the congregation of Calvary Revival Church, Norfolk, VA.  Bishop Mcbath and his congregation welcomed me with open arms and it was a moment that I will never forget! God keeps his promises and I am a true believer!
Here are a few snapshots of my experience! Enjoy :)

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